Guardian Unlimitedに載っていた、2001-2002年ごろにジョブスによるマックワールドのキーノートプレゼンテーションの準備に立ち会った元アップル社員による証言。(記事リンク)本番の何週間も前から始める準備の過程をこと細かに説明しています。
True to his reputation as a perfectionist, he hated most of them. We
repeated that process several times. At the time I thought he was being
unreasonable; but I had to admit that the material we ended up with was
much better than what we had begun with.
Steve usually rehearses on the two days before a keynote. On the first
day he works on the segments he feels need the most attention. The
product managers and engineering managers for each new product are in
the room, waiting for their turn. This group also forms Steve's
impromptu test audience: he'll often ask for their feedback. He spends
a lot of time on his slides, personally writing and designing much of
the content, with a little help from Apple's design team.
Throughout it all Steve is extremely focused. While we were in that
room, all his energy was directed at making this keynote the perfect
embodiment of Apple's messages. Steve doesn't give up much of his
personality even in rehearsals. He is strictly business, most of the
In the following months I was on stage for two more keynotes, and each
time was incredibly grateful for the apparently harsh treatment Steve
had dished out the first time. He forced me to work harder, and in the
end I did a much better job than I would have otherwise. I believe it
is one of the most important aspects of Steve Jobs's impact on Apple:
he has little or no patience for anything but excellence from himself
or others.
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