Appleによるインテル製CPUへの切り替えに関する現時点までの様々な論考をまとめた、BusinessWeek: The Tech Beatのエントリ。このパートナーシップの持つ様々な可能性を記した上で、最後に「これはPC業界の『デル羨望症候群』からの脱却をもたらすのではないか」と結んでいる。
At the risk of taking this line of thinking too far, this partnership might even help the PC industry get over its nearly terminal case of Dell Envy. For years, companies such as HP and IBM (before the Lenovo spin-off, that is) have been caught in a depressing, hopeless cost-cutting exercise, to prove they can out-Dell Dell. If Apple proves that the Intel platform can be used to create higher-priced products with decent margins, other PC makers might be pressured to try some innovation as well. That would be good for everyone--especially consumers.
Posted by: びっぐ | June 21, 2005 at 06:50 AM